Organisational skills and experiences

May 2024: Co-curator and project manager of the decolonial festival DIGGAHH - Decolonial Interaktiv, Gemeinsam, Gesellschaftlich, Aktuell, Hansestadt Hamburg, 22 May - 25 2024, Hamburg.

August 2024: Design and exhibition of "Bismarck neu denken/Rethinking Bismarck", a presentation of all the submissions for the international competition to contextualise the Bismarck monument in Hamburg's Alter Elbpark.

Jan. 2023 - Jul. 2023: Supervisor of the procedure for the international open competition "Bismarck neu denken / Rethinking Bismarck", a competition to contextualise the Bismarck monument in Hamburg's Alter Elbpark.

January 2023: Co-curator of the workshop to launch the Memory in Motion transnational network - for a place of memory and learning about German colonialism, Hamburg.

Jan. 2022: Organisation of the "Voix de nos aïeux" workshop, in partnership with the German-African Literature and Identity (LIGA) research group and the Library of the University of Lomé.

Dec. 2021: Co-organisation of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Network of International Scholars of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, online

Jul 2018: Participation in the project "Die Nacht im Museum 2018", University of Siegen / Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen.

Nov 2017: Participation in the organisation of the Model United Nation Siegen (SiegMun2017) as a staff member, Universität Siegen, Siegen.

Jul 2017: Participation in the project "Die Nacht im Museum 2017", Universität Siegen / Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen.

2015: Participation in the project "Colonial Photographies from Togo: Transcultural Approaches, University of Lomé / University of Düsseldorf